Common Conditions In Patients Aged 65+

At OneWelbeck we believe in offering excellent healthcare to all patients, no matter their age. As you progress into your mid-60s and beyond, you may start experience some symptoms or conditions that would traditionally be dismissed as ‘part of ageing’. However, many of these can be treated and managed, enabling you to live a longer and more active life.

Your Care at OneWelbeck

With over 250 consultants across multiple specialties, and with rapid access to appointments, scans and treatments, no one needs to suffer in silence purely because of their age. Our experts will do everything they can to keep you fit and active, and with all services under one roof, coming to OneWelbeck for your care couldn’t be easier.

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Common Conditions for 65+

The health conditions that are common in the 65+ population can vary based on individual health, genetics, lifestyle, and other factors, but there are several conditions that tend to become more prevalent as people age. Read on for more information on the common conditions that can be treated and managed by our expert consultants at OneWelbeck.

Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD)

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD or GERD) is the chronic (long-term) form of acid reflux and is a more serious condition. GORD is diagnosed when acid reflux happens more than twice a week or causes inflammation in the oesophagus (oesophagitis).

Symptoms include heartburn, bad breath, chest pain, trouble swallowing and a persistent dry cough.

Is most cases, patients will need to be tested for diagnosis of GORD via one of the following diagnostic tests:

  • Gastroscopy (camera imaging of the oesophagus)
  • Biopsy (tissue sample from the oesophagus for analysis)
  • Oesphageal manometry (pressure measurement of the oesophagus)
  • Impedance monitoring (measuring the rate of fluid movement along the oesophagus)
  • pH monitoring (acidity testing)

Treatment for GORD varies based on your symptoms. Our consultants will develop a personalised plan for each patient, which may include one or more of the following:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Prescription medication
  • Surgery

Click the button below to find out more about gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, its causes and symptoms, and what the various treatment options are.


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and affects around 8 million people in the UK. The condition causes the joints to become stiff and painful due to prolonged wear and tear of the cartilage surrounding the joint, as well as changes to the underlying bone.

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis include pain in the joint, swelling and inflammation around the joint, stiffness, tenderness and a reduction in mobility.

Our expert orthopaedic team will be able to accurately diagnose osteoarthritis by assessing your symptoms and carrying out a physical examination. X-rays may be recommended to confirm the diagnosis, and you may be referred for an MRI to rule out any other conditions that could be contributing to your symptoms.

Depending on the severity of your osteoarthritis, treatment will vary but can include one or a combination of:

  • Regular exercise
  • Weight management
  • Medications
  • Physiotherapy
  • Injections
  • Surgery

Click the button below to find out more about osteoarthritis, its causes and symptoms, and what the various treatment options are.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is commonly viewed as an unavoidable part of ageing, however with ever-changing updates in technology, there is no reason to resign yourself to a gradual, partial or total loss of hearing.

At OneWelbeck we have an expert team of Audiologists and Otologists who work together to assess the root cause of your hearing loss, and can advise on a range of treatment options such as grommets, tympanoplasty, or stapes surgery, depending on the cause and severity of your symptoms.

Click the button below to find out more about the options for patients suffering from hearing loss.

High Blood Pressure

Having high blood pressure is common in patients aged 65 and above however should be managed and treated as soon as possible as it puts extra strain on your blood vessels, heart, kidneys, brain and eyes. Click here to read more about the causes and symptoms of high blood pressure.

In patients with high blood pressure, there is an increased risk of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and vascular dementia. To diagnose high blood pressure, a cardiologist will carry out one or more of the following tests:

High blood pressure should be treated as early as possible to reduce the associated risks. Treatment varies according to the patient, but may include medication, lifestyle changes, and treating possible causes such as obstructive sleep apnoea.

Respiratory Infections

As we become older, our respiratory system becomes more prone to infections, which affect the sinuses, throat, airways or lungs. The main symptoms of a respiratory tract infection include:

Our highly-experienced team of respiratory consultants will be able to diagnose you based on your symptoms and by a physical assessment including listening to your chest via a stethoscope. In some cases further tests such as a chest x-ray or spirometry may be advised.

We advise all patients aged over 65 to seek medical advice if they are suffering from a suspected respiratory infection as you will be at risk from further complications such as pneumonia.


Most women will experience menopausal or peri-menopausal symptoms at some point in their lives. Symptoms vary hugely to each individual and can result in needing to see more than one specialist. This can include:

At OneWelbeck we have developed a multi-disciplinary approach to assessing and treating menopausal patients that compliments the various areas of expertise we have in the building.

Treatment will vary according to your symptoms. Hormone Replacement Therapy may be recommended as well as lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise.

Learn how our team of leading specialists can provide support on menopause and menopause-related conditions so you can start feeling like you again.

Enlarged Prostate

An enlarged prostate, sometimes known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly affects most men as they get older. Hormone changes and imbalances are thought to contribute to this condition, as well as certain lifestyle factors such as lack of physical activity and a high-cholesterol diet.

Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include:

  • Frequent and urgent need to urinate
  • Weak urine flow
  • Straining during urination
  • Urinary retention

If left untreated, an enlarged prostate can lead to more problems such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and bladder stones. We therefore you seek out the advice of one of our Men's Health specialists as soon as possible.

In terms of treatment, approaches may vary according to the severity and advancement of your enlarged prostate. More conservative approaches include 'watchful waiting' and medication, but quite often a surgical approach will be needed to produce a lasting cure. Fortunately, at OneWelbeck we are able to offer minimally invasive options for surgery that require minimal down-time and discomfort.

Appointments at

If you are suffering from any of the conditions listed above, your best option is to contact our centres and book an appointment with one of our expert consultants. Next-day appointment are often available, and our teams will work hard to make sure you are seen by the right consultant from your very first visit.

Simply click on one of the cards below to be taken to the correct centre information, or fill out our general enquiry form linked to the right of this page.