Digestive Health

Welcome to OneWelbeck
Digestive Health

Some of the UK's top gastroenterologists and surgeons work together to create a centre of excellence in the treatment and management of all gastrointestinal problems and diseases.

Private Healthcare

We can begin your treatment once you’ve confirmed authorisation from your insurer. Our centres are recognised by all major health insurance companies.

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Jul 2024


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Featured Treatments


FibroScan® is the gold standard non-invasive solution for comprehensive management of liver health. It is called non-invasive as nothing enters your body.

Functional gut assessment

A functional gut assessment is needed when problems arise with your stomach and intestine. We offer a range of tests at OneWelbeck, and your consultant will advise you on what the best course of action is for your specific needs.


The Rafaelo Procedure (Radiofrequency Treatment of Haemorrhoids under Local Anaesthesia) is a novel treatment for haemorrhoids.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a long-term (chronic) condition of the gastrointestinal tract that involves frequent abdominal pain (tummy ache) and/or bowel symptoms. At OneWelbeck we have some of the country’s leading IBS specialists on our Digestive Health team.

What our patients say

1Wel EC 1134

Bowel cancer screening

Bowel screening aims to find a cancer early or to find changes in your bowel that could lead to cancer. Thankfully, survival rates are close to 100%, if the disease is spotted in the early stages. But this rate drops significantly as the disease develops. So, regular screening tests can help to prevent bowel cancer and save lives.

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Welcome to OneWelbeck Digestive Health

Digestive Health Specialists

We have brought together a group of leading colorectal and general surgeons and gastroenterologists to create our Digestive Health team. With over 300 years of combined experience, these expert clinicians are the best in their field and are all focused on delivering the very best patient care.