Dr Rami Sweis
Consultant Gastroenterologist
Specialist expertise: Gastroenterology, Colonoscopy, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Oesophageal Dilatation, Stricture Dilatation, Endoscopic Mucosal Resection, Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy, HALO Radiofrequency Ablation, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, High Resolution Manometry, Impedance pH Monitoring, Wireless pH Monitoring, Oesophageal Physiology, Behavioural Modification Therapy, Trans-Oral Incisionless Fundoplication, Dysphagia, Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Investigation and Management of Reflux, Barrett’s Oesophagus, Achalasia, Eosinophilic Oesophagitis, Belching Disorders, Gastroparesis, Abdominal Pain, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Anaemia, Rectal Bleeding, Rumination Syndrome.