Treatments at OneWelbeck


Specialty Centre

124 results for the term

Showing 1 - 15 results


Zoledronate Infusion

Zoledronate is a medication used to treat osteoporosis, a condition where bones become weak and brittle. It can help strengthen bones, reducing the risk of fractures.
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Tap water iontophoresis and Botox for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

Tap water Iontophoresis is a drug free treatment for hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet. It involves passing a small electrical current into skin that is immersed in a tray of water.
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Joint Wash-Out

Joint wash-out is a procedure that involves washing or cleaning out the contents inside a joint space.
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Wart Treatment

There are several treatment options for warts including chemical treatments, cryotherapy and laser treatment.
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Vulvar Biopsy

A vulvar biopsy means removing a sample of tissue from the vulva. This test is used to check for abnormalities to identify a vulvar condition, vulvar cancer or another skin disease.
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Voice Feminisation

Voice feminisation surgery is performed to alter the length, bulk and tension of the vocal cords to raise the pitch of the voice.
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Grommets and Ventilation Tubes

The grommet itself is a small plastic collar which sits in the eardrum and holds a very small hole open, to allow air to move from one side of the eardrum to the other and equalise pressure.
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A vasectomy is a surgical procedure performed on males as a form of permanent contraception or sterilization.
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Vasectomy Reversal

A vasectomy reversal is a surgical procedure which is most commonly done to restore fertility, and occasionally to treat testicular pain after a vasectomy.
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Transcatheter Aortic Valve Intervention (TAVI)

A TAVI is a procedure to treat a severely narrowed aortic valve.
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Omalizumab for urticaria and angioedema

Omalizumab (Xolair) is a drug that interferes with natural antibodies called IgEs to prevent them from causing histamine release from certain cells in the body. It can improve urticaria and angioedema as histamine is responsible for hives and swellings.
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Urolift is aimed at relieving and improving men’s waterworks symptoms resulting from benign enlargement of the prostate
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Trans Urethral Resection of Bladder Tumour

TURBT is used to treat and stage bladder cancer. It can treat more than 75% of cases of bladder cancer without the need for removing the bladder.
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Uretetic Stent Insertion

A ureteric stent is a soft flexible tube that is temporarily placed in the ureter to make a channel for the urine to pass and allow drainage of the kidney.
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Ureteroscopy is a minimally invasive surgery that is used to treat ureteric and/or renal stones. It can also be used to obtain a biopsy from an abnormality (such as a tumour) that is found in the ureter or kidney cavity.
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