About Dr Julian Waung

Consultant Endocrinologist


Sub-specialties: Type 1 & 2 Diabetes, Thyroid Disorders, Endocrine Disorders, Endocrinology, Bone Disorders, Fertility, Hypoparathyroidism.

Dr Waung focuses primarily on bone health but also all endocrine problems including sex hormone deficiency fertility, diabetes, thyroid problems and hypoparathyroidism.


Bookings: bookings.endocrinology@onewelbeck.com

Tel: 02036532009

Dr Waung focuses primarily on bone health but also all endocrine problems including sex hormone deficiency fertility, diabetes, thyroid problems and hypoparathyroidism.

Areas of Expertise

Dr Waung specialises in:

About Dr Julian Waung

Alongside his work at OneWelbeck, Dr Julian Waung is a Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology at the Whittington Hospital, London. Dr Waung set up a clinic at Whittington Health to treat the largest group of patient in the UK with Beta Thalassaemia major (a rare inherited red blood cell disorder). At this clinic, Dr Waung focuses primarily on bone health but also all endocrine problems including sex hormone deficiency fertility, diabetes, thyroid problems and hypoparathyroidism. He also runs an insulin pump clinic, and a young adult and adolescent diabetes clinic.

In 2018, Julian introduced Diasend, a digital tool for capillary blood glucose management and analysis.

In 2020 Julian Waung established the Thalassaemia Endocrinology Clinic at Whittington and the UCL Student Quality Improvement & Development Fund Award in 2020. In 2019 he received the Learning from Excellence Award: Fantastic and Compassionate from Whittington Health.

Additional Information


  • Chinese
  • English
  • Italian

Research Highlights

Dr Julian Waung has a searchable library of Diabetes & Endocrinology Podcasts and been published in various journals, of which include: