Some patients may feel the stent and could experience one or more of the following symptoms:
- Discomfort or pain in the bladder and kidney region. Sometimes, pain or discomfort may also be felt in the groin, urethra or genitals. Pain or discomfort is more noticeable after urination and physical activity.
- Urinary symptoms may include small amounts of blood in the urine, urgency to pass the urine, increased frequency of urination and sensation of incomplete emptying of bladder.
These symptoms usually resolve within 24 to 48 hours when the stent is removed.
Complications associated with ureteral stents may include stent infection, encrustation, obstruction or migration.
Ureteral stent development is underway which is working on new ideas on stent design, composition material and stent coating to eliminate the adverse effects of ureteral stent usage and improve its long-term efficacy. Your urologist will discuss the different types of stents that are available and can be helpful in your condition.