Lung Specialist London

Welcome to OneWelbeck
Lung Specialist London

OneWelbeck Lung Health Specialists provide a high-quality environment for patients with all types of respiratory-related conditions. The clinic is located on the same floor as our Heart Health centre to provide a fully integrated cardiothoracic centre of excellence.

Private Healthcare

We can begin your treatment once you’ve confirmed authorisation from your insurer. Our centres are recognised by all major health insurance companies.

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Jul 2024


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Featured Treatments

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Tests

Screening your heart and lung health is crucial for catching and preventing serious cardiac and respiratory conditions. The benefits also include monitoring your heart health, evaluating exercise and athletic performance, and helping you to continue exercising late into life.

Lung Function Testing

Lung function testing requires the patient to breathe in and out of specialised equipment to measure rates of airflow through the airways; the volume of the lungs at full capacity, at rest and at their most empty. This is vital for patients recovering from respiratory illnesses and diseases.

What causes breathlessness?

Breathlessness is a symptom we commonly see patients suffering from at OneWelbeck Lung Health. Professor Michael Polkey, Consultant Respiratory Physician at OneWelbeck and Royal Brompton Hospital, explains the various causes behind this symptom.

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CQC Report