Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Melanoma skin cancer is the 5th most common cancer in the UK, accounting for 4% of all new cancer cases. Regular skin checks can help to identify the early signs of cancer so if in doubt, get checked out.

What is skin cancer?

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in humans. There are 2 main types of skin cancer: Non melanoma skin cancer and melanoma skin cancer.

Whilst symptoms of skin cancer may vary, common warning signs found on the skin include:

  • Lumps: might be small, slow growing, shiny and pink or red.
  • Ulcers: areas of skin that has broken down (an ulcer) and doesn't heal within 4 weeks without reason for change on the skin
  • Red or scaly patches: often red or brown, that can also be itchy, rough, dry or scaly and can turn into squamous cell cancer
  • Moles or freckles: a change to a mole or freckle can be a sign of a type of skin cancer called melanoma

Types of mole checks

Regular mole checks can help to identify the early signs of cancer, prevent skin cancer and save lives. If in doubt check it out. 

You can use the ABCDE guide to check your moles

check moles ABCDE
Source: Macmillan Cancer Support

At OneWelbeck, we recommend checking moles two to three times a year and comparing to a set of baseline photographs. If you're concerned about any moles or pigmentation on the skin you should contact your GP or private healthcare professional.

Various screening options include:

  • Mole checks: a dermatologist will examine skin and use a dermatoscope to look at the networks in your moles more closely. They will determine if moles have any abnormalities or need further monitoring or removal.
  • Mole mapping: an advanced whole body 3D imaging system which captures the entire skin surface to map and monitor pigmented lesions, all in 10 seconds.

What can I do to prevent skin cancer?

The best protection is to cover up and be safe in the sun. Wear SPF a hat and long sleeves when exposed to direct sunlight. It’s important to check your skin regularly for any changes.

We have more information about skin cancer prevention and protecting your skin.

What makes coming to OneWelbeck a stand-out experience?

We have a world-class team of 35 specialist dermatology consultants, comprising of adult and paediatric dermatologists, plastic surgeons and skin surgeons.

A private patient experience

Easily-accessed in central London, the centre is a calm and relaxing space with no congested waiting areas, and has been purpose-built with patients’ needs in mind.

Booking an appointment is simple

If you're worried about any concerning moles or marks on your skin, it is advised to talk to your GP or healthcare professional. OneWelbeck offer easy access to appointments with our specialist consultants. Book online, over the phone or email us. Private health insurance and self pay options are available.

Onward referrals to other specialists if required

If required, we also have specialists in the building who can help with related conditions or complaints.

World Class Dermatology Specialists

Learn more about OneWelbeck Skin Health & Allergy, a centre of excellence in the diagnosis, treatment and management of a wide range of dermatology and allergy related conditions and problems.

The Only VECTRA WB360 Mole Map
In the UK

Capturing a complete 3D map of your entire skin surface in seconds. No more missed spots, no more guesswork.

Designed specifically for dermatology, the VECTRA WB360 whole body 3D imaging system captures the entire skin surface in macro quality resolution with a single capture. We're proud to be the only clinic in the UK offering this state-of-the-art technology.

Here's what makes the VECTRA WB360 so groundbreaking:

  • Complete skin coverage: Captures your entire skin surface in a single scan, ensuring no area is left unexamined.
  • Unmatched detail: Macro-quality resolution allows our dermatologists to see every freckle, wrinkle, and pigmentation change with exceptional clarity.
  • Fast and painless: The WB360 captures intricate details in just seconds, with no radiation exposure.
  • Peace of mind: Take home a full report and a 3D model for future reference, enabling you to track your skin health over time.
VECTRA Mole Mapping

Useful Resources

We’re here to help you understand the signs, symptoms and treatment options. Learn more about skin cancer with these helpful healthcare resources.

Top tips for moles: what to be aware of and when to take action

Learn more