Circumcision Myths: Common Misconceptions About Circumcision in Men

Circumcision is a standard medical procedure that removes the foreskin (the hood of skin covering the head of your penis). While most people are aware of circumcision in infant boys, adult men can also have it. However, the misinformation surrounding adult circumcision can lead to men not going through with a procedure that could benefit their health. In this post, we explore the pluses of adult circumcision, dispel common myths and present the facts of the procedure. Keep reading with OneWelbeck to learn more.

Adult circumcision benefits

Some men may choose circumcision for cosmetic reasons, but others may need it for their health.

Recurrent infections and inflammation around the head of your penis and under the foreskin can cause long-term pain and discomfort. However, circumcision can reduce your risk of the problem occurring and provide permanent relief.

Some men experience problems with their foreskin retracting and moving back to its original position. This can be a medical emergency, but the risk no longer exists if circumcised.

One study suggests circumcision decreases your risk of penile cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The same study also found that women with circumcised male partners had a lower risk of cervical cancer and chlamydia infection. However, whether you are circumcised or not, it’s vital that you still use contraception and practise safe sex.

Debunking adult circumcision myths

Despite so many potential benefits, misinformation about adult circumcision continues to spread. So, let’s look at common myths and learn what’s true and what’s completely incorrect. 

Myth 1: You’ll lose sensation in your penis

A popular misconception is that circumcision decreases the sensation in your penis and makes sex less enjoyable. 

However, this isn’t the case. One study reported that 64% of circumcised men found that their penis was more sensitive.

Myth 2: Circumcision is only carried out for religious or cultural reasons

Although some religions and cultural practices involve circumcision, there are multiple other reasons why you may want adult circumcision. Cosmetic preferences are just one, but it could also be for medical reasons.

Some of the medical grounds for circumcision include treating: 

  • Recurrent balanitis – an infection under your foreskin

  • Phimosis – a condition where your foreskin becomes too tight, often leading to pain, urinary tract infections (UTIs) and painful erections

  • Balanoposthitis – inflammation of the head of your penis and foreskin

  • Cancerous or precancerous growths

Myth 3: Circumcision causes erectile dysfunction and harms your sexual function

Another myth is that circumcision leads to erectile dysfunction (ED). Many men face ED, but it doesn’t matter whether they have been circumcised or not. 

One study found that circumcision does not affect sexual function. Another study discovered that 62.7% of the men who struggled with premature ejaculation saw an improvement within 18 months of the procedure.

These studies show that the myth of circumcision harming sexual function is not based on science and is, therefore, untrue.

Myth 4: Circumcision is risky in adult men

While circumcision is a surgical procedure, it carries minimal risks and recovery is straightforward. Your surgeon will give you all the aftercare advice and information you need to support your recovery. They’ll tell you when you can have sex, return to work and drive.

Circumcision has the following possible risks:

  • Infection 

  • Tenderness around the scar

  • Further surgery to remove more skin from around the head of your penis

However, all surgical procedures carry risks. These risks and complications are infrequent in adult circumcision.

Myth 5: Adult circumcision is more painful

The common misconception that circumcision as an adult is more painful than it would have been in infancy is a complete myth. 

Surgeons carry out circumcision with a general or local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel anything during the procedure. Afterwards, you’ll have pain relief medication to support your recovery and minimise pain.

It can take at least 10 days for your penis to heal, and you’ll likely experience some discomfort, pain or swelling for the first few days. However, pain relief medication can help and the pain should subside within a few days.

Adult circumcision facts

Now that we’ve debunked common adult circumcision myths, let’s discuss some of the facts surrounding the procedure.

  • Circumcision in adult men is safe 

  • It can help treat conditions like phimosis and recurrent balanitis

  • Recovery is not long and complicated

  • Circumcision can increase penis sensitivity

  • The procedure doesn’t cause erectile dysfunction

  • Circumcision can reduce premature ejaculation

  • It may reduce the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections and cancers in men and female partners

Knowing the basics about adult circumcision is important, especially if it's medically necessary. Don't let misconceptions hold you back from getting the care you need to stay healthy and happy.

Book a consultation with OneWelbeck

If you have any questions about adult circumcision or are considering the procedure, contact our expert team. We offer comprehensive consultations so you can understand more about undergoing circumcision with OneWelbeck. 

Book your private adult circumcision today