The most obvious symptoms of Peyronie's disease are curving of the penis and pain when erect, although the pain usually subsides after 9-12 months of the start of the condition. While penises vary in shape and size, with many having a slight bend, Peyronie’s disease may cause a severe bend in the penis when erect.
If you have Peyronie’s disease you may notice:
The development of a hard lump on the penile shaft which restricts stretching during erections
A curvature of your penis upwards, downwards or sideways
Painful erections that can make having sex difficult or impossible
Problems getting or keeping an erection (erectile dysfunction)
Other changes to your penis, such as a hard area on the top, bottom and side of your penis which causes it to shorten, making it narrower in the middle (wasting or hourglass deformity)
In some cases, skin (tendons) on other areas of your body such as your hands and feet may also be thicker and less flexible
Due to its impact on sexual performance and intimacy, Peyronie's disease can also affect your mental health. If you suspect you have Peyronie's disease or are struggling with sexual performance it’s important to seek specialist advice for a diagnosis and treatment by a UroAndrologist.