Treatment: Shave Biopsy

A shave biopsy involves a superficial cut of skin in order to send the skin for analysis under a microscope and to diagnose certain conditions

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Why you might need?

Generally, patients need a shave biopsy to confirm the presence or absence of a tumour in a particular area for diagnostic purposes. Often a shave biopsy can be used to remove benign lesions in order to give you a better cosmetic scar, compared to a straight line scar.

Treatment Info

A thin piece of skin is removed from the surface of the skin using a sharp blade. Following this procedure you will be left with a superficial graze that will heal over one to two weeks. The procedure will involve an injection of local anaesthetic that will numb the area and thereafter you will have a plaster to cover this. The procedure normally takes 5 to 10 minutes

Treatment Aftercare

We normally work on a quick turnaround of two to three days, your surgeon will usually arrange a follow up consultation with you within a week of your procedure to discuss your results. Sometimes due to extra tests being required there may be a delay in your result but this will be discussed with you.

Treatment Recovery

Typically, a wound will take approximately 2-3 weeks to heal over. Scarring may occur and the site will initially be red and raised but will usually reduce in colour and size over several months.