In the UK we have legislation designed to identify and protect children and young people and adults at risk. Whilst the foundational duties for safeguarding lie within human and equality rights, the mechanisms can be found within the Children Act 1989 and the Care Act 2014. This legislation along with other legislation such as the Mental Capacity Act 2005 creates a legal framework upon which our national and local policies are developed.
Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and its associated regulations, we are under a duty to provide safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care. The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator who monitors, inspects and regulates our compliance with these standards.
At OneWelbeck we ensure that the duties and principles of safeguarding children, young people and adults are applied diligently and consistently for everyone so every contact counts.
OneWelbeck works closely with agencies to deliver its safeguarding responsibilities collectively. This partnership working enables the clinic to help and support those needing safeguarding support or intervention.