
At OneWelbeck, safeguarding is at the heart of our commitment to patient care. Read about our approach to protecting children, young people, and adults, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all.

An overview

OneWelbeck is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults across the organisation to promote and protect their health, well-being and human rights enabling them to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

At OneWelbeck, safeguarding is core business, the way work is done.  Safeguarding is about collective responsibility within the organisation and with external agencies. 

All staff have a duty to share safeguarding concerns about a patient or staff member’s welfare if they believe they are suffering, or likely to suffer harm. 

Safeguarding Team

The OneWelbeck Safeguarding Team is led by our Chief Clinical Officer and supported by a Safeguarding Executive Lead, Named Doctors and Nurses for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults, dedicated Safeguarding Leads in each Centre, and a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian. The team comprises of:

  • Chief Clinical Officer – Clare Forsyth
  • Safeguarding Executive Lead – Sue Inker
  • Freedom to Speak up Guardian – Jacs Rogers
  • Doctor for Safeguarding Children and Young People - Emma Devereux

Our Safeguarding Statements

Safeguarding has always been embedded in healthcare practices for anyone working in healthcare and is an integral component of good, effective, safe care. Safeguarding is an inherent part of any caring encounter. The foundations which underpin safeguarding policies are incredibly important. Click each drop down to view our statements:

In the UK we have legislation designed to identify and protect children and young people and adults at risk. Whilst the foundational duties for safeguarding lie within human and equality rights, the mechanisms can be found within the Children Act 1989 and the Care Act 2014. This legislation along with other legislation such as the Mental Capacity Act 2005 creates a legal framework upon which our national and local policies are developed.

Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and its associated regulations, we are under a duty to provide safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care. The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator who monitors, inspects and regulates our compliance with these standards.

At OneWelbeck we ensure that the duties and principles of safeguarding children, young people and adults are applied diligently and consistently for everyone so every contact counts.

OneWelbeck works closely with agencies to deliver its safeguarding responsibilities collectively. This partnership working enables the clinic to help and support those needing safeguarding support or intervention.

Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 places a duty on healthcare providers to have arrangements in place to ensure that the organisation, and all staff working within it, have regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. OneWelbeck regularly reviews their arrangements against these requirements and is compliant with them.

Safeguarding responsibilities include patients who are over the age of 18 (adults).

Under the Care Act 2014, all adults have the right to live in safety free from abuse and neglect.

All staff within One Welbeck are trained, and encouraged, to ensure that they work together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse and neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including following the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal as this initiative aims to ensure that our safeguarding response is individualised to the person’s own beliefs and wishes leading to meaningful improvements in the person’s life.

All patients over the age of 16 years, should it become necessary, will have their capacity assessed in line with The Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Staff in all Centres are trained in domestic abuse and the importance of recognition, ensuring the survivors receive the correct information and support and making referrals when they are required.

There are posters in all areas of the hospital encouraging patients, staff and visitors to request help. An information leaflet is also available in all areas for patients, visitors or staff to take which contains essential advice and support agencies.

Safeguarding practice is guided by OneWelbeck’s Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and Safeguarding Adults Policy. These policies have been written compliant with various pieces of legislation and national and local policy, to include The Children Act 1989, ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023’, London Safeguarding Children Procedures, the Care Act 2014, Care and Support Guidance (updated August 2024), London Multi Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.

Welbeck Group has a system for flagging safeguarding concerns. All staff are given additional information and support from specialists within the safeguarding team around all matters in safeguarding on request.

OneWelbeck is fully committed to providing the highest standards of safeguarding practice. OneWelbeck believes that everyone has the right to:

• Live free from abuse and improper treatment

• Be protected from harm and exploitation

• Be empowered to be part of the solution – no decision about me without me

• Have their rights respected and fulfilled

OneWelbeck has safeguarding accountability and assurance arrangements in place both internally and externally. All staff have access to a Safeguarding Lead within their Centre. Each Centre has access to the Safeguarding Team. The Safeguarding Team report quarterly to the Safeguarding Committee for Children, Young People and Adults and to the QAPI Board.

OneWelbeck works in partnership with the Local Safeguarding Children Board and Local Safeguarding Adult Partnership which ensures multi-agency exposure and sharing of best practice.

OneWelbeck provides external assurance around safeguarding to the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

OneWelbeck has a clear process for ensuring that anyone working with children, young people and adults has an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before they commence work. OneWelbeck Directors complete the Fit and Proper Persons Test. Onewelbeck employs a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian (FSU Guardian) Welbeck Group has a nominated HR Director who works in partnership with our Executive Safeguarding Lead and Safeguarding Leads in the Centres.

All Centre staff are trained in line with their role in safeguarding children, young people and adults, to include PREVENT, Domestic Abuse, and the Mental Capacity Act.

Safeguarding training is mandatory for all staff, regardless of role. The training needs analysis is mapped to the Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff Intercollegiate Document (Second Edition) 2024 and the Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff Intercollegiate Document Fourth Edition) 2019 and is delivered via a range of blended learning, with online and face-to-face training options.