Dealing With Dizziness: Should I See A Cardiologist Or Audiologist?

If dizziness is disrupting your life on a daily basis you might need to visit a doctor. But which doctor should you see — a cardiologist or an audiologist? Discover all you need to know about dizziness and the right type of doctor to see with OneWelbeck.

What is dizziness?

Dizziness can make you feel as if you are unsteady on your feet, leaving you feeling weak and potentially at risk of fainting. However, there are several types of dizziness and each one can make you experience different symptoms.

Some dizziness will make you feel lightheaded, which can lead you to feel ‘spaced out’ or woozy. Other times you may experience vertigo — a feeling as if the whole room is spinning while you are staying still.

Dizziness can interfere with your ability to carry out everyday tasks. Sometimes even the process of standing up can cause dizziness, due to the blood vessels in your body not contracting in the way they should and restricting your blood flow.

Feeling dizzy regularly can also lead to an increased level of anxiety as you might worry about feeling unsteady on your feet or even fainting in public.

What is dizziness a sign of?

Dizziness can be a sign of an underlying health condition like low blood pressure, but it can also be a symptom of anxiety or even lifestyle choices like drinking caffeine.

What causes dizziness?

Most of the time, dizziness has an underlying cause. However, as the causes of dizziness can range from cardiovascular (heart-related) to mental health conditions, you must always speak with a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Common causes of dizziness can include:

  • Inner ear disorders such as labyrinthitis and other ear infections
  • Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
  • Low blood pressure
  • Medication side effects — especially when it’s a new medication
  • Infections
  • Dehydration
  • Migraines
  • Low blood sugar
  • Iron deficiency anaemia
  • Motion sickness
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Arrhythmia

Diagnosing dizziness

Diagnosing dizziness can take more than one test as finding the root cause isn’t always easy.

When you visit the doctor, they will assess your medical history and give you a physical examination. This will provide them with an overall view of your health and allow them to identify any obvious causes of your dizziness.

Some common tests to diagnose dizziness include:

Which doctor to see for dizziness: a cardiologist or audiologist?

When you decide to seek medical assistance, you might wonder which type of doctor you need to see for dizziness. As a first port of call, you must visit your GP, as they will be able to recommend the next steps after your initial evaluation.

Most people will then either see a cardiologist or an audiologist for testing — but which is the right type of doctor for you?

The role of a cardiologist

If your GP believes that your dizziness is related to your heart health, they might refer you to a cardiologist.

A cardiologist specialises in heart-related conditions, so visiting them can help figure out if your dizziness is caused by a cardiovascular issue. They will be able to perform tests for diagnosis such as ECGs, echocardiograms, coronary angiograms and exercise stress tests.

Their expertise in heart conditions means you will receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan to reduce and manage your dizziness.

The role of an audiologist

An audiologist specialises in inner-ear problems which can sometimes be the underlying cause of dizziness. During your visit, they will assess your vestibular function (balance) and check for any balance disorders.

An audiologist will make a physical assessment of your ear and may then complete other tests to measure your ability to balance. This will mean that you get an accurate diagnosis of your dizziness and learn how to manage your symptoms effectively.

Treating dizziness

Finding the right treatment for your dizziness will depend entirely on the underlying cause. This is why it’s so important for you to see the right specialist so that they can identify the right course of treatment.

Medication may be offered if your dizziness is caused by an infection or inner-ear condition. Alternatively, if your dizziness is a side effect of a certain medication you take already, your prescribed dose may be adjusted.

Sometimes lifestyle changes may also be recommended to help manage your dizziness symptoms. This can include exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, cutting down on caffeine and avoiding smoking. Nicotine and caffeine can contribute to dizziness, so reducing your intake could make a difference.

Physical therapies such as vestibular exercises, balance training and stretching can also be used to help reduce dizziness caused by balance problems or vertigo.

With the right treatment plan, you can reduce your dizziness and get back to your regular activities in no time.

Get in touch

If you’re struggling with dizziness, please don’t hesitate to seek professional medical advice from our team here at OneWelbeck. We will be able to help you get to the root cause and offer expert advice on how to manage and treat it most effectively.

Contact OneWelbeck today to discuss your dizziness and find the right treatment for you.