Miss Natalie Watson

Consultant ENT Surgeon


Sub-specialties: ENT, Laryngology, Voice Disorders, Swallowing Disorders, Breathing Problems, Throat Disorders, Cough, Sleep Disorders, Ear Nose and Throat.





Miss Natalie Watson is a Consultant ENT surgeon specialising in Laryngology. Her NHS work is based at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) and has a passion for laryngology

About Miss Natalie Watson

Miss Natalie Watson is a Consultant ENT surgeon specialising in Laryngology. Her NHS work is based at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) and has a passion for laryngology, teaching, singing, voice overs and podcasts (host of BLA Connections – A Clear Voice).
She has a Masters in Clinical Education, for which she was awarded a distinction from King’s College London. Miss Watson qualified with two distinctions from Guys, Kings and St Thomas Medical School and was awarded the prestigious Jelf medal. She obtained an intercalated Honours BSc in Neuroscience having received the Health Foundation Student Research Fellowship. Miss Watson has also completed a Royal College of Surgeons of England post-CCT laryngology fellowship at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
Miss Watson runs a performer’s voice clinic, general voice and throat clinic, dysphagia and paediatric to adult services in her laryngology clinic. She covers the general on call emergency rota at GSTT.
Her research interests include all aspects of laryngology and aerosol physiology. Miss Watson also has active roles in the British Laryngological Association and the European Laryngology Society.

Areas of Expertise

Miss Natalie Watson treats various conditions including the following:

  • Professional voice users and performers
  • Voice disorders/ problems
  • Swallowing disorders
  • Breathing problems
  • Laryngopharyngeal Reflux/Persistent throat symptoms
  • Throat disorders
  • Cough
  • Sleep problems (tonsils and adenoids)

Additional Information


  • Media and Communications sub-committee, European Laryngological Society
  • Communications and Social Media Representative, British Laryngological Association (BLA)
  • Mentoring subcommittee, Women in ENT Surgery
  • Founder and Host of BLA Connections – A Clear Voice Podcast
  • Founding member and committee member of Community ENT Group (ENT UK)
  • Founder and Course Organiser, ENT Essentials


  • 2021 Van Lawrence Prize, British Voice Association
  • 2018 Award for funding a neurolaryngology course awarded by British Neurotoxin Network
  • 2017 Rowena Ryan Paper Knife Award for “Best Overall Trainee Contribution”
  • 2014 2nd poster presentation prize – 2014 British Rhinological Society, Norwich
  • 2006 The Health Foundation Student Research Fellowship £10,000 BSc scholarship

Research Highlights

Miss Natalie Watson's key publications. 
Watson, N.A., Karagama, Y., Burnay, V., Boztepe, S., Warner, S., Chevretton, E.B. Effects of coronavirus disease-2019 on voice: our experience of laryngeal complications following mechanical ventilation in severe coronavirus disease-2019 pneumonitis and review of current literature. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery. 2021 Dec 1;29(6):437-44.
Watson N. A., Hicklin, L.A.C., Marion, M H. Breathing dystonia in Meige syndrome. Clinical Parkinsonism & Related Disorders (2021) Jan 1;5:100106. McCarthy L. P., Orton C. M., Watson N. A., et al., Woodwind and Brass Instruments Aerosol Science and Technology (2021) Jun 8. doi: 10.1080/02786826.2021.1947470
Watson N. A., Miller, B., Siddiqui, Z., Karagama, Y., Gibbins, N. Non-aesthetic uses of botulinum toxin in the head and neck. European Journal of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (2021) Mar 18. doi: 10.1007/s00405-021-06750-4.Online ahead of print. Watson N. A., Orton K. A., Hall A. Fifteen-minute consultation: Guide to paediatric voice disorders. Archives of Disease in Childhood-Education and Practice. 2021 Feb 12. DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-321134
Gregson F. K. A*., Watson N. A.*, Orton C. M.* Haddrell A. E. McCarthy L. P., Finnie T. J. R., Gent N., Donaldson G. C., Shah P. L., Calder J. D., Bzdek B. R., Costello D., Reid J. P. Comparing Aerosol Concentrations and particle size distributions generated by singing, speaking and breathing. Aerosol Science and Technology (2021) doi: 10.1080/02786826.2021.1883544 *joint first authorship
Grewal, R., Tantichirasakul, N., Miller, B.J., Watson N. A., Karagama, Y. Office‐based Transnasal Oesophagoscopy: evaluating the safety, efficacy and application in head and neck cancer patients. Clinical Otolaryngology. (2021) May 17.

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Mar 2025


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Major insurers served: Vitality, Aviva, WPA, Cigna, AXA, Bupa, Healix

If your insurer is not listed, please contact us to confirm your coverage. Please note this does not guarantee coverage or fee assurance. Patients should confirm with their insurer to ensure coverage, check if the doctor is fee-assured, or verify if their policy includes the doctor in question.

Miss Natalie Watson is a Consultant ENT surgeon specialising in Laryngology. Her NHS work is based at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) and has a passion for laryngology