Dr Sophie Momen

Consultant Dermatologist

Skin Health & Allergy

Sub-specialties: General Dermatology, Mole Checks, Photodermatology, Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Mole Excisions, Paediatric Dermatology, Dermatology.





Dr Sophie Momen is a consultant dermatologist at OneWelbeck Skin Health & Allergy and has extensive experience in general dermatology in areas such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea and mole checks. Her sub-speciality interests include Photodermatology (conditions aggravated by Ultraviolet light). Dr Momen now sees patients under 18 years old.

About Dr Sophie Momen

Dr. Sophie Momen is a Consultant Dermatologist at OneWelbeck. She is a member of The British Association of Dermatologists and the Royal College of Physicians . She was previously the clinical lead for the National Xeroderma Pigmentosum clinic and consultant dermatologist at the world-renowned St. John’s Institute of Dermatology at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. 

She has extensive experience in general dermatology with a special interest in areas such as treating eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer, acne, rosacea and mole checks. Her sub-speciality interests include photodermatology - conditions that are aggregated by UV light, and xeroderma pigmentosum. After graduating in 2010 from the University of Nottingham with a 1st class honours, Dr. Momen completed her Dermatology training at St John’s Institute of Dermatology and King’s College Hospital, London.

She has completed a competitive Wellcome Trust funded PhD at the University of Cambridge, where she used human-induced pluripotent stem cell-based models and multi-omic technologies to understand the neurodegeneration seen in xeroderma pigmentosum. During her PhD, Dr. Momen also developed skills in the clinical application of whole genome sequencing in skin cancers. Dr. Momen has published work in high-impact factor journals such as Science, and Nature Cancer and was the recipient of the highly coveted Royal Society of Medicine Hugh Wallace essay prize.

Areas of Expertise

Dr Momen treats a range of conditions, including:

  • Photodermatology
  • Xeroderma pigmentosum
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Acne
  • Rosacea

She also performs a range of treatments, including:

Additional Information


  • The British Association of Dermatologists
  • Royal College of Physicians


  • Royal Society of Medicine Hugh Wallace essay prize.

Research Highlights

Substitution mutational signatures in whole-genome-sequenced cancers in the UK population.
Degasperi A, Zou X, Amarante TD, Martinez-Martinez A, Koh GCC, Dias JML, Heskin L, Chmelova L, Rinaldi G, Wang VYW, Nanda AS, Bernstein A, Momen SE, Young J, Perez-Gil D, Memari Y, Badja C, Shooter S, Czarnecki J, Brown MA, Davies HR
Genomics England Research Consortium
Nik-Zainal S.
Science. 2022 Apr 22;376(6591):science.abl9283. doi: 10.1126/science.abl9283. eCollection 2022 Apr 22.
Mutational signatures: emerging concepts, caveats and clinical applications.
Koh G, Degasperi A, Zou X, Momen S, Nik-Zainal S.
Nat Rev Cancer. 2021 Oct;21(10):619-637. doi: 10.1038/s41568-021-00377-7. Epub 2021 Jul 27.
A systematic CRISPR screen defines mutational mechanisms underpinning signatures caused by replication errors and endogenous DNA damage.
Zou X, Koh GCC, Nanda AS, Degasperi A, Urgo K, Roumeliotis TI, Agu CA, Badja C, Momen S, Young J, Amarante TD, Side L, Brice G, Perez-Alonso V, Rueda D, Gomez C, Bushell W, Harris R, Choudhary JS
Genomics England Research Consortium
Jiricny J, Skarnes WC, Nik-Zainal S.
Nat Cancer. 2021 Jun;2(6):643-657. doi: 10.1038/s43018-021-00200-0. Epub 2021 Apr 26.
Transcription-coupled repair and mismatch repair contribute towards preserving genome integrity at mononucleotide repeat tracts.
Georgakopoulos-Soares I, Koh G, Momen SE, Jiricny J, Hemberg M, Nik-Zainal S.
Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 24;11(1):1980. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15901-w.
Momen S, Fassihi H, Davies HR, Nikolaou C, Degasperi A, Stefanato CM, Dias JML, Dasgupta D, Craythorne E, Sarkany R, Papa S, Nik-Zainal S. Dramatic response of metastatic cutaneous angiosarcoma to an immune checkpoint inhibitor in a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum: whole-genome sequencing aids treatment decision in end-stage disease. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2019 Oct 23;5(5):a004408. doi: 10.1101/mcs.a004408. PMID: 31645345
PMCID: PMC6824248.

Self pay only

This consultant offers self-pay consultations only.