Dr Matthew Brown

Consultant in Pain Medicine


Sub-specialties: Pain Medicine, Cancer Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation, Medical Acupuncture, Neuromodulation.





Dr Matt Brown is a friendly and conscientious pain specialist with a wealth of experience in managing the most challenging and complex pain cases. His NHS practice is at The Royal Marsden Hospital where he is the head of the pain medicine department and runs pain and acupuncture clinics. Matt also conducts novel research into pain at the Institute of Cancer Research. Matt takes a holistic and caring approach and uses a variety of techniques to reduce pain and improve functional levels and quality of life. His down-to-earth and accessible manner generates excellent results and positive patient feedback

About Dr Matthew Brown

Dr Matt Brown is a consultant in pain medicine at the Royal Marsden Hospital and Honorary Associate Faculty of the Institute of Cancer Research. Matt has a specific interest in the rehabilitation of cancer survivors but has broad pain medicine expertise.
Matt trained at King’s College London, winning the War Memorial and Wolfson Foundation Scholarships and graduating with distinction. His clinical training in pain medicine was conducted at The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. Matt fulfilled his long-term interest in clinical research by gaining a National Institute for Health Research’s Academic Clinical Fellowship. This enabled him to conduct novel, award-winning research into pain at both Imperial College and King’s College, London. Subsequently, Matt completed a Doctorate in Medicine at the Institute of Cancer Research (becoming the first anaesthetist in the Institute’s history to do so and winning the Chairman’s Prize at graduation).
Matt takes a holistic approach to all his patients and enjoys working with them to optimise their pain control and improve their functional levels. Matt employs a range of techniques including medications, interventional procedures and western medical acupuncture. He is known for his ability to explain complex concepts and has appeared in a variety of media ranging from the BBC to The Sun.
Matt has published and lectured widely on the subject of pain in cancer. His research interests include persistent post-surgical pain, painful peripheral neuropathies and the use of cannabis-based medicinal products in the management of pain and associated conditions.
Patient testimonial
Truly transformed my life - "Thank you so much for all your advice, help and support over the last few months" - LR 38 years old.
With heartfelt thanks - "So grateful to you for listening and all you did to help me" - GC 50 years old.
I will always be grateful - "Many, many thanks for your commitment to dealing with my case"
- JR 59 years old.

Areas of Expertise

Dr Matthew Brown performs a range of treatments, including:

  • Western medical acupuncture
  • Medicinal cannabis

Some of the conditions he commonly treats are:

  • Neuropathic pain
  • Cancer associated pain
  • Persistent pain after surgery
  • Pelvic pain

Additional Information


  • 2017 – Chairman’s Graduation Prize – The Institute of Cancer Research
  • 2015 – Awarded Sarah Kruger Prize – The Royal Marsden Hospital – For research excellence
  • 2013 - Awarded International Association for the Study of Pain NeupSIG bursary
  • 2004 - Awarded MB BS with Distinction - For academic excellence
  • 2000 - Awarded Wolfson Foundation Scholarship - To fund intercalated degree
  • 1998 - Awarded GKT War Memorial Scholarship - For academic excellence


  • Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists
  • Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
  • Fellow of the Faculty of Clinical Informatics

Research Highlights

Dr Matthew Brown

Multiple publications. See;