Dr (Jeremy) Mark Alexander-Williams
Pain Management Consultant
Sub-specialties: Orthopaedics, Pain Management, Pain Medicine, Spine, Trauma, Muscular Pain.

Dr Mark Alexander-Williams is a Consultant in Pain Management at OneWelbeck Orthopaedics specialising in managing complex pain problems. To book an appointment directly, please contact Dr Alexander-Williams practice manager, Katie Lowe, on 07971 195607 or email info@drmarkalexander-williams.co.uk.
About Dr (Jeremy) Mark Alexander-Williams
Areas of Expertise
Dr Mark Alexander-Williams commonly treats:
- Chronic pain
- Spinal pain
- Facet joint pain
- Disc pain
- Nerve root pain
- Radicular pain such as brachalgia and sciatica
- Muscular pain
- Post-traumatic pain
- Pain involving the central or peripheral nervous system
- Pain associated with other chronic diseases such as angina, arthritis, endometriosis, headache and pancreatitis.
Research Highlights
Dr Mark Alexander-Williams
Key Publications
- K.Mackrodt, M.Alexander-Wiliams (sic). Anaesthesia 2001, Epidural infusions
- L.Bannon, M.Alexander-Williams, D.Lutman. Anaesthesia 2001,56(10), PCA Diamorphine Intranasal vs intravenous
- M.Ward, G.Minto, M.Alexander-Williams. Anaesthesia, 2001, 57(1) Jan, The Pakistan earthquake: a British trainee's experience, Injury. 2006 Jun37(6):567-9
- Ahmad MA, Naqui SZ, Shah N, Khan A, Alexander-Williams JM, Jaffery A.Stability of premixed syringes of diamorphine and hyperbaric bupivacaine, Int J Obstet Anesth. 2005 Oct;14(4):284-7.
- Hudson SJ, Jones MF, Nolan S, Ellis H, Duncombe R, Alexander-Williams JM, Comparison of oxycodone and morphine following Total Knee Replacement, 2007 Pain Society Poster.
- Whitney P, Mustard L, McCartney C, Alexander-Williams JM. Reduction in epidural Diamorphine dose reduces side effects but reduces efficacy
Major insurers served
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